SelectROW provides a full spectrum of land and right-of-way acquisition services throughout the United States. We are well-versed in linear surface easement acquisitions and permitting for electric and gas transmission lines.
For over 25 years, our acquisition and negotiation of land and easements in the public electricity sector have extended to the placement of electrical infrastructure, including transmission and distribution lines, renewable generation and battery storage facilities, switchyards and substations. Our acquisition services enable placement of national gas pipelines, compression sites, interconnection sites and various aboveground appurtenances for the gas industry.
With ethical, effective and efficient electric transmission line right-of-way acquisitions, our primary objective is to provide quality, comprehensive electric and gas transmission line easements for public utility providers. We accomplish this through methodical utilization of our skilled resources, coupled with genuine engagement of all parties affected by a project.
A Team of Transmission Siting Specialists
SelectROW has broad familiarity and experience in easement acquisition and negotiation services for electric transmission and distribution facilities, gas transmission and distribution facilities, tribal right-of-way acquisitions, tribal easement renewals and fee acquisitions.
With collaboration with and access to external resources that make effective easements for transmission lines possible, we ensure each project’s predictability and success.
Electric Transmission Line Easements
By conducting an on-site inspection of the property in question and a studied review of the easement documentation, SelectROW adequately determines the total effects transmission line easements will have on a property.
When SelectROW seeks to acquire new or additional easement rights, we consider the following easement rights and specifics of each project:
- Right-of-way construction and clearing practices
- Length and width of the right-of-way
- Height and design of the structures
- Project schedule and number of structures
- Height and voltage of the wires
- Post-construction and right-of-way access
Acquiring Electric Transmission Line Right-of-Ways
For each electric transmission line right-of-way project, SelectROW handles project research, routing due diligence, title research, survey permissions, routing survey, routing assistance, easement surveys, easement appraisals, easement acquisitions, and fee acquisition condemnation support.
SelectROW provides easement and right-of-way acquisition services on projects of varying size and scope, conducting standalone acquisition services or full-spectrum project administration services.
Connect With SelectROW for Electric and Gas Land and Easement Acquisitions
SelectROW specializes in securing transmission line easement agreements for placement of electric and gas transmission lines across the U.S., and our team has a history of building long-term relationships with the communities we serve.
Call us at 888-997-3532 or online contact form to learn more about acquiring easements for electric and gas transmission lines.